Test-and Return Guarantee - After testing them you can return any of our reeds to us within one month of receipt for exchange or refund. This is for reeds which you have tested, not for those which have been played on extensively.
Check-list for returning reeds:
1. Write a short note to include with the reeds telling us what you want us to do (replace reeds, exchange them, or get a refund, or any combination).
2. Pack the reeds safely in a sturdy box so that they will be protected from damage in the post. The box in which we send them is adequate for this.
3. Usually you will need a Large Letter Stamp on the box, unless you are returning a large number of reeds in which case it is wise to take them to a post office to have the box weighed and the correct postage applied.
4. If you are concerned about the reeds being lost in the post (in our experience this occurs approximately once in every 100 postings) take the box to the post office counter and ask for Proof of Posting when you hand the box over. This allows you to claim from the Royal Mail if the package is lost (please note this may not cover the value of the reeds if they are lost – take advice from your post office).
5. Post the reeds to us. The address is on the bottom of your invoice, which has been emailed to you in your original order confirmation email. It is also on the back of the box in which the reeds were sent. If you cannot find this please email us for the address.
Test-and Return Guarantee - After testing them you can return any of our reeds to us within one month of receipt for exchange or refund. This is for reeds which you have tested, not for those which have been played on extensively.
Check-list for returning reeds:
1. Write a short note to include with the reeds telling us what you want us to do (replace reeds, exchange them, or get a refund, or any combination).
2. Pack the reeds safely in a sturdy box so that they will be protected from damage in the post. The box in which we send them is adequate for this.
3. Usually you will need a Large Letter Stamp on the box, unless you are returning a large number of reeds in which case it is wise to take them to a post office to have the box weighed and the correct postage applied.
4. If you are concerned about the reeds being lost in the post (in our experience this occurs approximately once in every 100 postings) take the box to the post office counter and ask for Proof of Posting when you hand the box over. This allows you to claim from the Royal Mail if the package is lost (please note this may not cover the value of the reeds if they are lost – take advice from your post office).
5. Post the reeds to us. The address is on the bottom of your invoice, which has been emailed to you in your original order confirmation email. It is also on the back of the box in which the reeds were sent. If you cannot find this please email us for the address.